Stop fossil fuel finance

Published on: March 11, 2023

Today (2023/03/11), Extinction Rebellion NL and more than 3000 worried citizens are blocking the A12 motorway back at home (Netherlands). Unfortunately, we couldn’t make it today, but if we could, we would.

Fossil fuel subsidies are a roadblock to a more sustainable future. And with more than 17B€ of fossil fuel subsidies annually, the Dutch government keeps fuelling the climate crisis.

Our leaders keep making promises to divest fossil fuel industries. But, instead of phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, our governments have pumped a record of 1 trillion USD in fossil fuel subsidies in 2022.

You don’t have to physically block a road to call out to the government to stop subsidising fossil fuels. But, please let this be a sign for you to start getting involved.

Elise & Joy

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