How we became buddies of two amazing boys

Published on: July 14, 2021

We moved into our home about four years ago. Back then, we did not know the city very well and had some extra time on our hands. We thought it would be good to volunteer within our local community to get to know our city a little better and give something back to society. We ended up becoming buddies for two amazing boys that showed us the city through their eyes – this is one of the many selfies we made with them over the course of 4 years.

We matched with them through the Dutch non-profit organization @vitalismaatjes, which aims to guide children between the ages of 5 and 18 who are in a vulnerable position due to a lack of attention and are at the risk of getting into trouble. We strongly believe that we need to help children that had an unfair start in life. With little effort, you can make a huge difference for a child that came to the country as a refugee, a child that grows up in a harsh family situation, or a child that has to deal with bullying on a daily basis.

For two years, we were their Vitalis buddies, and now we are great friends!

Elise & Joy

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