Cooking with food waste – Green Kitchen Leiden

Published on: October 12, 2021

Last Sunday we cooked a three-course dinner with food waste!

The @greenkitchenleiden invited us to help them cook a three-course dinner with fruit and vegetables saved from being thrown away after the Saturday market. We managed to treat about 30 people to a delicious “free” vegan meal! This way, the Green Kitchen promotes a sustainable and conscious lifestyle and fights against food waste, which is something we fully support! 🙌

It takes up a lot of resources to grow, store and transport produce. This is why food waste is such a problem; it is a direct waste of resources. According to the FAO, approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption is ‘lost’ or ‘wasted’. UNEP adds that approximately 61% of all food waste comes from households, 26% from food services and 13% from retail. But most of the food is lost even before it arrives at the stores. It is estimated that 8-10% of the global GHG emissions are associated with food that is not consumed.

So what can we do?
🗑️ We need to plan our meals,
🗑️ do not overbuy food,
🗑️ store food properly,
🗑️ know what is in our pantry or fridge,
🗑️ know the dates of our products – ‘first in, first out’,
🗑️ use our leftovers,
🗑️ grab smaller portions (refill if needed),
🗑️ buy the ‘ugly and imperfect’ produce, and
🗑️ support projects that fight food waste!

Let us know down in the comments what you do to fight food waste ~ 🙌

If you live in Leiden and want to join one of the cooking sessions, definitely check out their website and the roster on their Facebook page!

Elise & Joy

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