Yesterday was Elise’s birthday, and we visited this fantastic vegan lunchroom for a high tea with one of our best friends. We are super happy that we have this great place around the corner in #Leiden (@hetslachthuis – love the name because it means slaughterhouse in Dutch). We visit it every other week for pies or pastries that are all plant-based, and trust us, the food (also the burgers, shawarma’s, BLT’s, …) is better than most of the non-vegan places we have visited in our life – kudos! 🙌
We wanted to share this because this place proves that it is possible to enjoy very good and delicious food without compromising on anything by going fully plant-based. Many people are afraid of ‘missing out’ on delicious food when switching to a plant-based diet. It sure takes some time to get used to shopping/cooking/baking plant-based – see it as an adventure – but this is not something people should be afraid of. Our own pasta’s, pizza’s, pancakes and pies (the four magical P’s we love to eat) have never been as good as they are right now. And the best thing: no animals are harmed in the process and our impact on the environment is significantly reduced.