Act in time and act now – we have 2446 days left

Published on: November 9, 2022

2446 is the most important number in the world. It refers to our climate clock (, which tells us that we only have 6 years and 255 days left in our carbon budget. This is the amount of time we have left to curtail climate change and limit global heating to 1.5°C.

Are we going in the right direction? Absolutely not! In fact, the clock has been ticking for many days, and the current commitments are still insufficient to achieve the set climate goals. According to the latest report from the @unitednations there is still no credible route to limit global warming below 1.5°C. The current commitments and non-binding pledges put us on the track towards 2.5°C heating. To reach 1.5, we need to reduce emissions by 45%, but we are currently heading for a 10% increase.

World leaders must sign the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty (@fossilfueltreaty) and truly decarbonise the energy economy. They must provide the funding needed for climate adaptation to ensure no country is left behind. High-emitting countries must pay their debts to upcoming and developing nations and pay for the loss and damage associated with climate change. Leaders must #ActInTime; they must #ActNow! We need it; the planet needs it.

Elise & Joy

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