Dirty palm oil hidden in plain sight

Published on: March 9, 2023

With the technology available to monitor deforestation, it’s clear that our growing demand for beef, soy, and palm oil is steadily eating away the world’s remaining tropical forests. While it is evident that this will not end without coordinated and determined efforts from governments, investors, consumer goods manufacturers and growers, consumers also have an essential part to play.

While it is true that we, as consumers, vote with our money, it is not always clear what we are voting for. And without legislation to stop vague labelling, ingredients like “dirty” palm oil will remain hidden in plain sight. And from cookies to shampoo, if you buy processed, it’s almost impossible to avoid.

Luckily, it’s not always unclear if a product contains palm oil or not. Many brands claim only to use ‘RSPO-certified’ or ‘Certified Sustainable Palm Oil’ (CSPO). But if they are not sourcing CSPO, it may be hard to find it on the ingredient list – palm oil derivatives go by 594 names these days.

But if we buy products with an RSPO Trademark, does it mean that the used palm oil is not “dirty”? To answer that question, we need to look beyond the RSPO logo and discuss the different trademark variations out there. You may not see the difference now, but after this slider, you will. Scroll through our slider, and let us know what you think in the comments below! 

Have you read our new article “Why the palm oil problem is still far from solved” yet? If not, make sure to check it out!

Elise & Joy

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